harbor | sango | moth
17 - any pronouns - autistic
black hispanic
genderfluid aroace lesbian
currently very fixated on rain world and splatoon :3
other intrests i have r pokemon, cats, and ocs

sorry if i ramble i tend to get carried away when talking abt splatoon, esp when its salmonids or ocs

i struggle when it comes to communication, i'm sorry if i interrupt you.
i have a tendency to go quiet when stressed or uncomfortable, this isn't always the case so dw if i do ! just a thing i do subconsciously, sometimes i just don't feel like speaking.

- racists, homophobes, transphobes
- genshin fans r fine, just dont be weird
- dsmp fans (specifically dteam)
- ppl who actually hate splatoon
- ppl who think agent24 (3x8) is a proship/comship

int pls :> !!
- rain world fans (PLEASE)
- splatoon fans
- agent24 & pearlina shippers
- pokemon fans

a few other things
i dont mind being called pet names in a platonic sense so go right ahead lolz
and only jamie gets to call me babe so if u arent them dont do that
im fine with nsfw/suggestive jokes just dont make em abt me
ok enough bein serious
im a silly kitty just gotta shake it off

if u have any splatoon ocs i'd love to see them !!! splat ocs fuel my soul !!!!!
i kin cap’n 3 and agent 8.,,,. yeah im gay
also im captain's wife ive committed to this bit for over a year DO NOT TEST ME.
i main goo tuber and stamper if u were wondering.
i try to respond as soon as i can !! apologies if i dont
school sucks !!! (i have less time to rain world)

carrd archive
old carrds but with up to date info !!